2nd Asian Women in Leadership Summit China
Pursuing the goal of gender parity in the workplace, the regional edition of AWLS in China brings impactful agenda focusing on what organizations and leaders need to do to accelerate change. Our 30+ accomplished speakers and panelists will discuss the factors that hold women back and what does the next generation of women leaders be like. We will explore how stereotypes and unconscious biases creep into the organizations’ culture. Successful women leaders will share the leadership journey. We will also discuss what various companies are doing to build and nurture and retain their women leadership pipeline – more so for mid-level women leaders who need the flexibility to attend their family and filial duties.

Luke Lu
Managing Director, Head of Commercial Bank, China

Karen Tang
Head of Human Resources, Greater China
Visa Inc

Laura Lorenz
Human Resource Director Greater China

Melinda Po
Managing Director Shanghai

Jenny Sun
Human Resource Director Greater China
Dell Technologies

Cally Wu
Vice President, Corporate HR, APAC

Annabelle Vultee
Chief Operating Officer
EF Education First

Jiang Fangfang
Financial Sector Specialist

Jessica Wang
Regional Director
Hays Beijing

Edward Chang
Partner, Greater China

Chloé Reuter
Founding Partner
Reuter Communications

Catherine Chauvinc
Board Director

Dr. Lan Ma
Founder & CEO

Arvind Singh
Quest Conferences

Shirley Yeung
DragonRise Capital

Rebecca L. Branham
B & L Group, Inc. Co-founder and Managing Director
CP Woman Founder

Clemens Hoerth
General Manager & Area Vice President Operations
Mandarin Oriental Pudong, Shanghai

Carol Zhou
SVP, Head of Business Innovation and Investment

Christine Wang
Vice President, Human Resources
Greater China & Mongolia

Andrew Nip
Head of Talent, L&D and Talent Acquisition
Hays Asia

Wenjing Li
Commercial Director

Nicki Leaper
Creative Leadership & Development Coach
Nicki Leaper Coaching

Dephin Lim
Managing Director
MediaCom Shanghai

Michael Rosenthal
US Green Solutions

Frank Li
Consultant & Author

Devon Fiddler
Founder & Chief Changemaker
SheNative Goods Inc.

Suneet Puri
Country Head, China
Tata Consultancy Services

Kathy Chen
Area Vice President, Greater China

Sarah Kochling
Managing Principal
Blossom Innovation

Sumeet Chander
Country Head - China